TCI Training (Paid) April 6 , 9am to 1Pm
Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) 1 Day
Service Description
Module 6 (Physical restraints & restraint testing) Please note: Training hours will be paid as per the training rates. (* Conditions Apply) What Is Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Training? The Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) training program for child and youth care staff presents a crisis prevention and intervention model designed to teach staff how to help children learn constructive ways to handle crisis. The ability of the entire organization to respond effectively to children and young people in crisis situations is critical in establishing not only a safe environment, but also one that promotes growth and development. The skills, knowledge, and professional judgment of staff in responding to crises are critical factors in helping young people learn constructive and adaptive ways to deal with frustration, failure, anger, rejection, hurt, and depression. It's highly recommended for anyone working in the Placement Program, or with a Level Two or higher client.
Contact Details
+ 7805911000
4902 50 Avenue, Stony Plain, AB, Canada