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Protection of Persons in Care Act

  • A safe and secure environment, where people are free from abuse and neglect, is necessary for well-being and quality of life. Protection for Persons in Care promotes prevention and responds to reports of abuse of adult Albertans receiving care or support services from publicly funded service providers, such as: hospitals, seniors' lodges, nursing homes, mental health facilities, shelters, group homes, addictions treatment centres, many settings funded by the Persons with Developmental Disabilities program, and other supportive living settings.

Abuse Prevention and Response Protocol

  • The Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program works to address the safety and security needs of adults with developmental disabilities receiving PDD funded supports that may be vulnerable to abuse and neglect. The Abuse Prevention and Response Protocol (APRP) is a PDD policy framework that identifies proactive strategies for preventing abuse and procedures to follow when responding to allegations of abuse, including addressing the immediate safety and security needs of the individual. Adherence to the APRP is mandatory for all PDD funded stakeholders, including community service providers, Administrators of Family Managed Services (FMS), as well as services directly run and operated by PDD (Direct Operations).

Accommodation Standards

1)  This Act applies to supportive living accommodation provided by an operator where

  1. the supportive living accommodation is provided to 4 or more adults who are not related to the operator,

  2. the operator provides or arranges for services related to safety and security for the persons referred to in clause (a) in accordance with the standards set out or adopted in the regulations, and

  3. the operator provides, offers or arranges for

  • at least one meal per day, or

  • housekeeping services,

  •  for the persons referred to in clause (a).

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