If you answered “YES” to any part of question 1: you must not enter the site for the purposes of
supporting or visiting a patient.
Due to the vulnerable environment of AHS sites and for the protection of all in our care, AHS requires
that in addition to any requirements in CMOH Order 1-2022:
• Designated support persons/visitors who have tested positive* for COVID-19 and are
experiencing COVID-19 symptoms not enter a site for at least 10 days from the onset of
symptoms AND have had their symptoms resolve* before entering.
• Designated support persons/visitors who test positive for COVID-19* but are asymptomatic*
not enter a site until a minimum period of 10 days have passed from the day they took a Health
Canada-approved test that confirmed they are positive for COVID-19. If they develop
symptoms, they must not enter a site for at least 10 days from the onset of symptoms AND
have had their symptoms resolve* before entering.
*COVID test – means a Health Canada approved rapid test or approved lab based PCR test.
*Symptoms Resolve - means the state when a person’s COVID-19 symptoms improve and the person
remains fever free for a period of 24 hours without using fever reducing medications.
*Asymptomatic - means a person who is not exhibiting COVID-19 core symptoms.